
Cardiovascular pathologies include heart pathologies and pathologies of the vessels

The pathologies of the heart are essentially :

  • coronary heart disease and the risk of infarction
  • heart valve diseases
  • heart failure, which is a deficiency of the heart muscle
  • heart rhythm disorders

Vessel pathologies:

  • Essentially atherosclerosis or arteritis
  • They affect all the peripheral vessels of the body (abdominal arteries, arteries of the lower limbs, carotid arteries, and so on).

Some of these pathologies require surgery:

  • coronary diseases and the risk of infarction: coronary dilatation, coronary stents, coronary bypass surgery)
  • heart valve diseases: change of heart valves,
  • heart failure, which is a deficiency of the heart muscle that can lead to a heart transplant
  • heart rhythm disorders: pacemaker and defibrillator insertion, endocardial fulguration of certain rhythm disorders (atrial fibrillation and flutter)
  • arterial dilatation, stents and peripheral arterial bypass surgery.
1 %
of all deaths worldwide
An estimated 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular disorders in 2019, accounting for 32% of all deaths worldwide. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack or stroke.



Most cardiovascular disease can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, and obesity. It is important to detect cardiovascular disease as early as possible to promote drug management and counseling.


Treatments for cardiovascular disease can vary depending on the type of condition.

A multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, coronary angiologists, rhythmologists and cardiovascular surgeons will take care of you to determine the indications for coronary artery bypass surgery, coronary dilatation, coronary stents or radiofrequency treatment. The medical-surgical team will suggest the most suitable technique between conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery, endovascular technique, percutaneous valve replacement and interventional radiology.


Surgyone offers you a medical supervision by state-of-the-art teams (combining organ specialists, specialized surgeons, anesthesiologists, anatomical pathologists and specialized oncologists).

The surgical or endoscopic techniques required to manage your pathology are part of the current surgical excellence (conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgery, interventional endoscopy).

In the context of the management of cancer-related pathologies, all decisions will be taken during multidisciplinary consultation meetings related to this pathology.

SurgyOne helps you with the following pathologies :

> Cardiac rhythm disorder 

  • Atrial rhythm disorder (atrial fibrillation, flutter) 
  • Ventricular rhythm disorders (ventricular tachycardia, bradycardia and conduction disorders) 

> Treatment of coronary stenosis 

A multidisciplinary team composed of cardiologists, coronary angiologists, rhythmologists and cardiac surgeons will take care of you to establish the indications for bypass surgery, coronary dilatation, coronary stents or radiofrequency treatment. 

> Treatment of heart valve pathologies 

The medical-surgical team will suggest the most suitable technique between conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery, endovascular technique, percutaneous valve replacement. 

  • Mitral valve pathology
  • Pathology of the aortic valve 

> Stenosis of the arteries of the lower limbs 

The medical-surgical team will propose the most appropriate solution for stenosis of the iliac arteries, femoral arteries and popliteal arteries. 

> Carotid stenosis 

Systematic discovery of carotid stenosis

  • Symptomatic carotid stenosis 
  • Carotid stenosis responsible for stroke 

The medical-surgical team will propose the most appropriate solution between conventional surgery, indo-vascular surgery and interventional radiology. 

Get in touch with SurgyOne

Surgical pathology information request

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