Nutritional check-up

Food, or more scientifically nutrition, is now recognized as
  • One of the most important factors of good health
  • One of the risk factors of many serious diseases (diabetes, hypertension, various cancers, strokes
A vector of good health: A balanced diet without excess guaranteeing sufficient intake is a guarantee of good health. Indeed, it avoids any deficiency (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, trace elements etc.). These intakes must be adapted to each individual, according to his sex, his morphotype, his physical activity and even the period of his life Risk factor of many pathologies: An unbalanced diet can lead either to deficiencies or on the contrary to deleterious overloads. Deficiencies are rare nowadays but can be found either in anorexic people (whether the origin is the professional environment and its dictates, or a psychological disorder. In both cases, there is a drop in immunity, a loss of muscle mass and a fragility of tissues, especially bones. On the other hand, overweight, due to a too rich diet, is more and more frequent, as shown by the exponential increase in the number of overweight or diabetic people. Gout, for example, is due to an excess of uric acid in relation to a diet too rich in red meat and game. We must then remember the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases which are :
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Sedentary lifestyle
The negative impact of a rich diet on the risk of cardiovascular disease (stroke, myocardial infarction for example) through obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and sedentary lifestyle caused by excess weight is clearly visible. It is therefore necessary to have a transversal and preventive approach to our diet and to associate it with the practice of physical exercise adapted to each person. Thus, nutrition has become a major factor in the prevention of serious diseases, including certain digestive cancers. This is why the regular practice of a nutritional assessment and dietary habits is essential, whether one is undergoing treatment for a known pathology, or apparently in good health.
Get in touch with SurgyOne

Check-ups information request

Feel free to contact our team by email or by phone

By email

By phone

+33 (0)4 22 72 02 22
( 24h/24 - 7d/7 )

Tell us about you

To contact you

Your request

Health questionnaire

All your medical informations are strictly confidential and will only be available to the medical team, which is bound by its duty of confidentiality.

What is your history?

Based on these details, the medical team will check the consistency of the desired health assessment with your health profile; should the medical team deem it necessary, they may get in touch with you in order to suggest alternatives that they deem more appropriate in your case.
You will be called back shortly by our coordinator to provide you with information, answer your questions and plan the check-up with you.